IT機器リサイクル事業を展開しているリングロー株式会社(本社:東京都豊島区、代表取締役:碇 敏之、以下 リングロー)では、法人向けの英語ITサポートサービス「RinGlobal IT Support」を2016年9月15日(木)に開始します。
「RinGlobal IT Support」提供の背景
リングローでは、2016年9月15日より、新サービス「RinGlobal IT Support」を開始します。このサービスは法人向けの英語によるITサポートです。
「RinGlobal IT Support」概要
例)社員規模20名の企業の場合 30時間/50,000円(税別)/月
リングロー株式会社〈担当:販売部門 柴崎(しばさき)、Hassan(はっさん)〉
本社所在地:〒171-0014 東京都豊島区池袋2-77-5フォーラム・アイエス4階
担当:広報課 楢木(ならき)
E-mail: pr-contact@ringrow.co.jp
Ringrow Starts New Service, RinGlobal IT Support, providing English IT Support for General Companies.
Today, Ringrow Co., Ltd. (Headquarter: Toshima-ku, Ikebukuro. Representative Director: Toshiyuki Ikari), a secondhand computer company specializing in distribution and repair, announced its new service “RinGlobal IT Support”. This service provides English IT support by bilingual operators.
What is “RinGlobal IT Support”?
Ringrow started its new service, “RinGlobal IT Support” on September 15, 2016.
With this service, Ringrow provides English IT support to general companies by bilingual operators.
In recent years, globalization affected the increasing of companies accepting foreign workers and intern students. According to a survey took in 2015 by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare the number of foreigners currently working in Japan stands at 910 000 people, which represents the highest record in the country’s history. On the other hand, globalization brought language problems, too: for example, many companies are having problems with handling English OS errors or are confused by English instructions from overseas system departments. These facts indicate an increasing demand for English IT support. Therefore, with this service, Ringrow intends to provide English IT support service to general companies.
Service Target: Corporations and sole proprietors
Ex) A company accepting foreign workers or intern students but doesn’t have a System department.
A subsidiary which is having trouble with English system instruction from its overseas headquarters.
Service Contents: English system support for IT related troubles by telephone, Email or remote control.
Price details: We will make a monthly basis contract according to the scale of the company.
Ex) Company scale, 20 workers / 30 hours support / 50 000 JPY / monthly
More information about service details
Ringrow Co., Ltd. <Responsible person: Sales department, Shibasaki or Hassan>
TEL:0120-956-892(Weekdays 9:00~18:00) FAX:03-5944-8682
Company Profile
About Ringrow Co., Ltd.
Ringrow is a second hand IT equipment company, founded in July, 2001 with the name of Repair System Service Limited Liability Company. The representative director, Toshiyuki Ikari is from a family of fishermen and now he has 6 sons.
Ringrow’s main business is the distribution and repair of second hand IT equipment, and over 10 million of refurbished PCs have been produced by Ringrow. Ringrow took part in the Saitama childcare support project in 2008, obtained the certification of secondhand product reseller from the Tokyo public safety commission in 2015, and made donations in favour of the victims of the Nepal earthquake in 2015.
Through this business we promote Recycle and Reuse, as well as the equal opportunities for using IT equipment worldwide. In addition, we have been proposing “Welfare Program for Growth” since April, 2016.
- Company Name: Ringrow Co., Ltd.
- Representative Director: Toshiyuki Ikari
- Headquarter: 4th floor Forum IS Building, 2-77-5 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo. 171-0014
- Main Business: distribution and repair of second hand IT equipment
- URL: http://www.ringrow.co.jp/en/
More Information about Press Releases
Ringrow Co., Ltd. <Responsible person: Public Relation department, Naraki>
TEL:03-5944-8866 FAX:03-5944-8682 E-mail:pr-contact@ringrow.co.jp